Face your problems with Islamic Psychology

Our counseling allows Muslims to integrate their spirituality into their  mental health journey, in a way which is coherent with the Qur’an and Sunna.

How can we help you?

If you are going through any kind of suffering, or you have troubles facing your relationships.


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Book now an introductory session to start the path of Islamic Psychology

Let me introduce myself

I am Francesca Bocca-Aldaqre, muslim Psychologist.

I have been working in the field of psychology for the last 15 years, with a specialisation in Islamic psychology. My mission is to improve mental health of the Muslim community, in particular in the Italian speaking context.

I have a BSc in Psychology from San Raffaele University in Milan, and I furthered my studies in Germany, with a MSc in Neuro-Cognitive Psychology and a PhD in Neuroscience.

I was the first (and still the only) Italian student of Islamic Psychology at the Diploma program of Cambridge Muslim College.

I serve as Head of Department, Psychology, at the International Open University (IOU).


Francesca Bocca


Sono Francesca Bocca-Aldaqre, psicologa musulmana.

Mi occupo di psicologia da quindici anni, e mi sono specializzata in psicologia islamica per migliorare la salute mentale della Umma italiana.

Sono Laureata in psicologia presso l’Università San Raffaele di Milano, e specializzata in Germania, con un dottorato in neuroscienze.
Sono stata la prima (e fino l’unica) Diplomata italiana in Psicologia Islamica al Cambridge Muslim College.
Sono Preside nella Facoltà di Psicologia alla International Open University (IOU).

Francesca Bocca

Report 2022 sulla salute mentale dei musulmani italiani

Lo studio Shams ha condotto il primo sondaggio sulla salute mentale dei musulmani italiani; studiando le necessità e difficoltà specifiche della nostra Umma; guarda un sommario dei risultati nel video, o scarica il report completo:

Our Method

Discover Islamic Psychology

In Shams, we believe knowledge of the therapeutic technique by the client is a right, and that it can make a difference. We believe in transparency, and in obtaining results through an educational approach. 

That is why we made this short video, answering the most frequently asked questions on Islamic psychology.


“It has been and it still is a great experience. It helped me to know myself better and to build a new me, step by step, becoming more conscious, more present, better. It has been the best investment I could do!”

“Dr. Francesca is not only extremely competent, but she listens to you carefully and with a lot of patience, understanding fully your situation and offering solutions which work from the very first sessions. Dr. Francesca helps me seeing them, and she offers me the tools to improve. Alhamdulillah, I am improving all the time, day after day”
“I was finally able to talk and pour everything out freely, because I knew dr. Francesca was both a Muslim and able to give me working advices which would comply with Islam”


Affiliations and Alma Maters

Start Learning

Our contributions to islamic psychology

Knowing more about Islamic Psychology can be helpful not only for those Muslims who suffer from mental health disorders or is going through a difficult situation, but for every Muslims, to be a positive element inside the Umma.

You can find here my English language contributions on various topics of Islamic Psychology.


Gratitude has been re-discovered in contemporary psychology. In antiquity, when psychology was closely connected to the practice of virtues, being grateful was such an important
